Upcoming EP "It Was You" Coming Soon

Follow Us on social media to stay up to date on our 'For What It's Worth' follow up EP, 'It Was You'.





May 25 - Vultures - Colorado Springs


April 14 - Moe's BBQ - Denver

April 21 - Oskar Blues - Colorado Springs

May 25 - The Black Sheep - Colorado Springs

June 23 - DogHouse - Colorado Springs

August 5 - Vultures - Colorado Springs

September 7- The Black Sheep - Colorado Springs

October 22 - The Black Sheep - Colorado Springs

December 15 - What's Left Records Holiday Show - Colorado Springs


Between the Heart is an American emo/rock band from Colorado Springs, Colorado. The formation of the band can be traced back as early as 2010 when Eddie Oviedo and Clinton Cochell began developing the project. Over the past decade the project has gone through a few changes in name and lineup. The band was formerly known as "Say the Word" when Cory Blackmann and Catlin Bowie joined the lineup in 2014. As"Say the Word" the project released a couple of demos and an EP. In 2017, the band was rebranded to Between the Heart as it is known today. Since the 2017 rebrand, Between the Heart has released two Studio demos, three Singles and a five track EP called, "For What It's Worth". Anthony Banzali would join the official lineup of members in 2022.

Between the Hearts current lineup consists of lead vocalists Clinton Cochell, lead guitarist Eddie Oviedo, rhythm guitarist Cory Blackmann, bassist Catlin Bowie, and drummer Anthony Banzali.

Originally, the five track EP "FWIW" was meant to be a 10-song record called, "For What It's Worth, It Was You". Production on this record began in 2015 but soon after was put on hold while a member of the band had gone through chemotherapy. In 2016, all members of the band were able to come together again in better health and made the decision to continue developing the project. In 2018, after releasing a single (Stay) through local nonprofit CO local, the band would make the decision to change production studios on the "For What It's Worth, It Was You" project to salvage the work they had done. In this transition the project had lost a few tracks and the band had decided to split the record into a two-part EP series called, "For What It's Worth" and "It was you".

The "For What It's Worth" EP was released October 27th, 2018, with an anniversary Single (November No Promises) released a year later. Between the Heart had scheduled to begin production on their follow up EP "It was You" in the Spring of 2020. These plans were postponed due to the covid-19 pandemic. In 2022, the band decided to continue moving forward with plans and development for the future of BTH.

Currently, the band has scheduled and performed multiple shows throughout 2022, sharing songs off of their latest EP "It Was You". Between The Heart has also launched its first line of merch and online store, with plans of releasing a new EP in 2024.

Message From the band:
We would like to thank everyone for your support over the years. We've always strived to create the work that was real to us and genuine to the messages we hope to spread through our art. We are incredibly grateful to continue developing this band and we look forward to sharing more of our work with you in the future. Thank you.

Clinton, Eddie, Cory, Catlin, Anthony


Clinton Cochell - Vocals

Eddie Oviedo - Guitar

Cory Blackmann - Guitar

Catlin Bowie - Bass

Anthony Banzali - Drums